is a playwright, stage director and actor, according to the standard names for his work, but he has preferred to define himself for a long time as "inventor and stage performer, bad cantaor and agitator".
Graduated in Journalism from the University of Seville and in Dramatic Art (specializing in textual interpretation) from ESAD in Seville, he furthered his studies at the TNT Theater Research Laboratory and with very diverse teachers. As an actor, he has worked with directors such as Alfonso Zurro, Pepa Gamboa or Antonio Álamo and in cinema, his intervention The world is his stands out. He has directed or done the dramaturgy for shows such as End of the game, Happy dances for sad people, Rosa, metal and Ash (Finalist for the Max Awards), Los Invitados (Jerez Festival Critics Award), La Judía de Toledo, La casa ardiendo or Si Yo Fuera Madre. His text Insomnios won the Carlos Arniches award, he co-wrote the script for the film No. A flamenco tale by José Luis Tirado, he invents and coordinates the stage agitation project 'We have lived below our possibilities'. In addition, he is a visiting professor in the Master of Live Show at the University of Seville, gives workshops and conferences on dramaturgy and stage creation, writes for eldiario.es and makes, together with Javier Berger, the dramaturgy podcast 'Drama or what'. He is increasingly interested in a way of understanding theater as a generator of reality devices: machines, actions or words that are inserted into life and dialogue with/within it. His latest works and projects are framed here: turismointerior and EX (The end of the simulacrum).