english   castellano   català   pro


is a choreographer, stage director, performer and teacher of contemporary dance with a long professional career marked by a deep and passionate curiosity about the potential of stage creation as a cultural asset and a tool for social transformation.

Trained as an actor at the Instituto del Teatro de Sevilla and as a dancer at the Centro Andaluz de Danza, he specialized as a creative interpreter in the Choreographic Creation Workshops of the Junta de Andalucía that Juan Antonio Maesso devised and directed and later, also received a scholarship from the Junta de Andalucía in the company Metros directed by Ramón Oller in Barcelona. This double approach to the performing arts from theater and dance marks from the beginning his interest in the "artistic boundaries" those borders, active margins where the different disciplines intersect and where difference and close coexistence generate intense and fruitful friction. creative. He creates shows like Días Pasan Cosas, Lirio entre Espinas, Parece Nada, IUSISUSU? or Go With The Flow, who have been present in some of the most relevant programs and festivals on the European scene. He also directs and choreographs for other artists and companies such as CDN, Marta Pazos, Deborah Light, Teresa Navarrete, or Ana Morales. Also as a performer, she works for some of the most relevant creators and companies on the national and European scene, always trying to expand and make the boundaries between dance and theater more flexible.